Our Areas of Expertise
Jason A. Engel, CPA, CFE, CIRA, CVA, MAFF, ABV, has served as a financial and economic expert witness for over 35 years and in over 500 cases.
Our Certifications
The credibility of our testimony is enhanced by our exemplary credentials.
Contact Us
Contact us today to discuss how we can help you
Forensic Accounting Services
Jason A. Engel, CPA, CFE, CIRA, CVA, MAFF, ABV
350 S Grand Avenue, Suite 3160
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Forensic Accounting Services
Brandon J. Engel, CPA, CFE
350 S Grand Avenue, Suite 3160
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: brandon@engelandengel.com